“The New Urbanism is a design movement toward complete, compact, connected communities—but it is also a generator of ideas that transform the landscape,” writes Robert Steuteville for CNU Public Square. “Communities are shaped by the movement and flow of ideas, and the New Urbanism has been a particularly rich source of the currents that have directed planning and development in recent decades.” “This year the 25th annual Congress for the New Urbanism was held in Seattle. The 1,400 attendees, their friends and associates and like-minded people, are like sailors on the sea of ideas that carry this movement forward.” “The 25 ideas listed here offer a panoramic view of the New Urbanism, one that reaches to the horizon and beyond. Not all of these ideas were invented by New Urbanists, but new urbanists have contributed significantly to them all.” “I conducted interviews with new urbanist experts on the 25 ideas, and you can find the interviews here. Now, I offer brief descriptions and thoughts.”The Urban-Rural Transect: a version of the original Transect diagram, with six successional zones from nature to urban core, with special district. (Image credit: CNU / DPZ)
The Urban-Rural Transect: a version of the original Transect diagram, with six successional zones from nature to urban core, with special district. (Image credit: CNU / DPZ)