As reported by Public Square: A CNU Journal, “Portland, Oregon, is considering an anti-McMansion ordinance designed to discourage 1:1 demolitions of small single-family homes to build very large single-family homes. “Such demolitions, usually associated with rising real estate markets where the housing stock has reached a ‘certain age,’ replace middle-class homes with houses for the wealthy. “Portland real estate values in the most-loved neighborhoods are rapidly rising, as $400,000-plus houses are becoming much more common every year, according to a Sightline report. Current codes in Portland allow up to 6,750 square foot homes, making it profitable in some cases to tear down middle class housing for luxury McMansions. Two city proposals would reduce 1:1 demolitions in much of the city, Sightline says.”Proposed code changes are designed to reduce teardowns and encourage multiple small units in existing neighborhoods.