“When South Union Road is restriped this year, should it go on a ‘road diet?’ writes Joseph Popiolkowski for The Buffalo News. “That’s the question before officials from the Town of Amherst, Village of Williamsville, and state Department of Transportation as the state considers downsizing the busy stretch of South Union, from Wehrle Drive north to Main Street, from four lanes to three.” “The DOT at a public meeting in November proposed one 12-foot wide travel lane in each direction, a 14-foot wide two-way center turn lane and a shoulder of up to five feet. The current configuration is two travel lanes in each direction and no shoulder.” “But when the DOT received public comments on the plan, there was opposition and the current four-lane design was retained, Susan S. Surdej, regional public information officer for the state DOT, said by email. Residents were concerned about congestion and difficulty making left-hand turns.” “After learning about the decision, village and town officials came out in support of the three-lane plan, saying it will calm traffic and reduce accidents.” “Town Supervisor Brian J. Kulpa said left-hand turns will be safer with the addition of a center turn lane, since it takes vehicles out of the travel lanes. Current travel lanes are too narrow for four lanes of traffic going 40 mph, he added, and there’s no buffer between traffic and pedestrians.” “‘Hopefully it tempers everything a little bit,’ he said of the three-lane design. ‘It’s a tremendous betterment versus what’s there now.'”NYSDOT had plans for a 'road diet' on South Union Road, but when they received public comments on the plan, there was opposition and the current design was retained. (Photo credit: John Hickey / The Buffalo News)
NYSDOT had plans for a 'road diet' on South Union Road, but when they received public comments on the plan, there was opposition and the current design was retained. (Photo credit: John Hickey / The Buffalo News)