“A change in color has garnered Preservation Board approval for an Allentown redevelopment project,” reports Buffalo Rising. “Huamei Wang’s proposal to demolish a two-story building while saving reusable portions of the front façade and incorporate it into a new building on the site was approved by the Board yesterday. Architect Adam Sokol has designed a three-story residential building with commercial space along Allen Street.” “The project was tabled two weeks ago by the Board after concerns were raised about the color of the materials proposed for the east and west facades of the proposed building. Sokol showed perspectives from Allen Street, and pointed out that the contemporary addition is intended to recede into the background, giving prominence to the historic façade.” “Boardmembers thought the stark grays proposed did not mesh well with the character of Allentown and contrasted too much with the beige brick façade of the existing building.”