Tickets now on sale: 2017 Livable Community Awards

Tickets now on sale: 2017 Livable Community Awards

Tickets are now on sale!

Partners for a Livable WNY will host a major event to recognize some of the developments, people, organizations, and municipalities that have made innovative contributions to the resurgence of Western New York communities, consistent with the principles of Smart Growth and New Urbanism. The 2017 Livable Community Awards will be held on Thursday, September 28, 6:00 PM, at the Hotel @ The Lafayette in Downtown Buffalo.

Presale tickets are $55 ($60 at the door). You may purchase tickets below.

There are four categories of honorees at the event. An urban innovation category will recognize buildings, developments, or planning efforts that have contributed in a unique way to the improvement of land use, the built environment, or transportation. A community activism category will recognize people, organizations, or public agencies that have implemented policies or practices resulting in improving the livability of the region, a municipality, or a neighborhood. Nominees in these two categories will be selected from recommendations received from the Partners for a Livable WNY board of directors, with the winners to be determined by out-of-town planner-architect judges.

There will also be two government awards: one to a city and one to a town or village, for the adoption of plans, legislation or policies that have resulted in significant improvements to the built environment for its residents. The fourth award category is a “special service” award to be given to one or more individuals who have been instrumental in raising an awareness of the importance of creating a more livable Western New York.