The Scajaquada Corridor Coalition reports: Various communities groups and engaged citizens continue to push the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to ‘right size’ the Scajaquada Expressway from its current controlled-access, high-speed design to an appropriate urban parkway. A movement that was more than a decade in the making, efforts seemingly stalled in the late-2000s. Revived by a tragedy in June 2015, in which a young boy lost his life after a vehicle lost control and veered into Delaware Park, NYSDOT finally relented to the demands of the Scajaquada Corridor Coalition (SCC), a new umbrella group of various existing community organizations, in January 2015 by agreeing to a downgrade of the expressway. However, NYSDOT’s plans for the Scajaquada have yet to impress the SCC or various residents of adjacent neighborhoods. NYSDOT’s most recent public meeting to further discuss its plans in December was rescheduled due to weather to this Wednesday, January 25th at the Fredrick Law Olmsted Public School 64 Auditorium, 874 Amherst Street at Lincoln Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14216, beginning at 5:30 p.m. All members of the public are encourage to attend.